Customer Testimonials

Bathroom fittings

See what our customers have to say about us

boiler repairs

Customer testimonials

From our plumbing services to bathroom design, Chris Rebus Plumbing and Heating Services have it covered. Contact us to see what we can do for you!

Is your gas safety check due? As a landlord you are probably aware of the annual safety checks that need to be carried out at your property to ensure all your gas fittings and installations are functioning correctly, we carry out the annual checks for some large letting agencies in Edinburgh already, why not consider us for your next safety checks?
For more information on our landlord service call us 
On 07792 091 001

Accommodate Edinburgh

"Accommodate Edinburgh have been using Chris Rebus Plumbing and Heating for the past couple of years and have always been very pleased with the service provided and works carried out, which have been to a very high standard. Chris has always been very accommodating with tenants and landlords requirements and would highly recommend him."

Lettings Manager
Bathroom plumbing
Plumbing experts

Atholl Property Management Ltd

"We have been using Chris rebus as our main plumbing contractor for a number of years now. We at Atholl Property Management could not recommend him highly enough. He always carries out jobs with the up most professionalism. Not only is his pricing competitive which keeps our clients happy, his workmanship is second to none."

Lewis Crolla
Director - Atholl Property Management Ltd

From our plumbing services to bathroom design, Chris Rebus Plumbing and Heating Services have it covered. Contact us to see what we can do for you!
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